IB Assessment Policy

  • Philosophy and Principles


    ·       Gathering information that accurately reflects how well a student is achieving the learning outcomes.

    ·       Used to communicate and support student learning and encourage student success.

    ·       The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning.

    ·       It teaches students to analyze their own learning, reflect, improve, and set goals for their own learning.

    ·       It helps students develop effective learning skills and strategies.

    ·       It allows students to demonstrate a range of conceptual understanding and skills, and to demonstrate critical thinking abilities.


    Effective assessment allows teachers to identify individual student’s strengths and areas of concern in relation to the curriculum outcomes. Teachers use assessments to guide instruction and to provide timely and clear feedback to improve future learning. Effective assessment provides parents and guardians with evidence of student learning and information about their children’s strengths and areas of concern in relation to the curriculum outcomes. This information can be used to support student progress and achievement.

    To read the document in its entirety, please click on the link below.